8 Excellent Parenting Blogs for Active Families

8 Excellent Parenting Blogs for Active Families

a kid wandering in the woods reading a sign

As active parents here at Ella’s Wool, we are always looking to connect and collaborate with like-minded moms and dads. We love to hear the tips, tricks, and ideas from other families that manage to stay successfully active, despite the whirlwind schedule that inevitably comes with raising a family.

The web is full of parenting blogs for all types of families. It is wonderful to be able to connect with so many other parents at the click of the button, but it is quite a time-consuming task to narrow down which blogs and whose posts are going to really appeal to our particular family.

As a family that loves to hike, camp, and bask in the enjoyment all things outdoors with our kids, we decided to compile a list of favorite blogs from fellow outdoor-loving parents to share with you!

1. Rain or Shine Mama

Linda McGurk, blogger and author of There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather describes her role as an outdoorsy mom, saying “When I spend time in nature with my two young daughters, I’m also known as a worm-digger, frog catcher, splinter remover, tree identifier, mud cleaner-upper, tent raiser, band-aid provider, and fire builder-in-chief”. After becoming a mother to her two daughters, she started thinking of ways to inspire increased outdoor playtime for children no matter the weather. We especially like her article Baby it’s Freezing – Let’s Go Outside!

2. Tales of a Mountain Mama

Mountain Mom, Amelia is committed to getting outside every day with her and her husband’s crew of five small children. She’s a big believer in showing that it is possible for families with even young tots to get outdoors and hit the trails in the mountains and woods. She lives in Grand Teton National Park and strongly connects happy adventures with good gear. We agree with Amelia when she says “there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing!” Her active mom blog not only provides reviews on excellent mountaineer gear, but also tips and ideas for getting your family outdoors. She collaborates with other adventurous moms to put out an outstanding blog for outdoor-loving moms and dads. We especially love the post 5 Tips to Building an Outdoor Family Lifestyle as Working Parents.

3. Go Adventure Mom

Kathy Dalton, the creator and writer of the Go Adventure Mom blog wears the title “Chief of Awesome”. She is a mom that loves to camp, ski, play, and do pretty much anything involving fresh-air with her family. Kathy explains that her blog is “for families who refuse to be indoorsy”. Now, that’s the kind of blog Ella’s Wool can relate to! She has outdoorsy product reviews, tips for outdoor adventures with kids, and endless ideas for your next family trip into nature. Kathy feels that “having kids only adds to the adventure!” We feel the same. Don’t miss her post Tips for Adventuring with Kids.

4. Colorado Mountain Mom

Tami is a mom of two with a passion for all things outdoors. On her blog, she’s rolling out endless ideas for active families as well as product reviews (even giveaways!). She has compiled some great lists of ‘fives’, including 5 Perfect Spring Day Ideas to Get Kids Outside and 5 Tips for Adding Fun to Your Family Hike. Tami explains her and her husband’s approach to parenting saying “We’re raising our kids to appreciate the Great Outdoors”. At Ella’s Wool, we always appreciate coming across other parents who value instilling in their children a love of nature.

5. Bring the Kids

Jessica Averett and her husband are all about “outdoor travel, family adventure, unbeatable memories”. They have packed up their family of seven to hit the road for international living. With five kids, they have serious experience in adventuring with kids. They started their blog to share tips, tricks, and advice with other active moms and dads. Jessica and her family are looking to inspire families to adventure and travel together. We enjoyed her article Backpacking with Baby: Tips and Tricks for Success.

6. Mountain Mom and Tots

Based out of the Alpines in Utah, Susan and her family of five just launched a year-long RV road trip around North America. She and her husband take their tots from one adventure to the next. Every single month they host an ‘Outdoor Challenge’ for active families everywhere. Their latest challenge is focused on learning a new survival skill. On their incredible blog, Susan and family share all the details of their latest adventure along with tips for your family’s next adventure as well as gear reviews.

7. Chasqui Mom

Based out of the San Francisco Bay Area, Melissa Avery is a mom of three and is in love with any outdoor activity she can do with her family. Melissa, her husband, and her kids are constantly looking for the next adventure! Her blog is an excellent read for any parents who love to camp, hike, backpack, cycle, or really do anything outdoors as a family. We love her article 10 Tips to Motivate Kids to Hike. Just as cool is the fact that with her Peruvian background, Melissa has also published the article in Spanish!

8. Wild Tales Of…

We love the honesty and adventurousness of Kate Spiller’s outdoor mom blog. She posts a wealth of “Inspiration, tips, helpful hints, (and) how-to’s…all to make family a touch easier, a touch wilder, and a touch more adventurous.” Kate, along with her husband and two children adore being outdoors. Her travel tips and resources make adventuring with kids a lot more fun and practical. She encourages bravery, namely for families with children! As hikers here at Ella’s Wool, we especially enjoyed her post on Traveling to and Through High Altitude Destinations with Babies.

That’s a wrap on the list of our top 8 favorite blogs for families as active as ours! Ella’s Wool will always be committed to promoting outdoor playtime for kids and parents. That’s why we’re here with some of the most game-changing garments for parents looking to take their kids on adventures, regardless of the season.

 Photo: Ashley Scheider