Signs Your Kid Is Cold

Signs Your Kid Is Cold

Below freezing temperatures are sweeping across the country. But, that doesn't always stop little ones from wanting to play outside, especially if there is snow! 

Here at Ella's Wool, it is our mission to encourage year-round outdoor play by ensuring your kid is comfortable and properly dressed - even during cold weather days. Kids may not always speak up when they are cold, so Ella's Wool put together a few reminders to help you tell if your little one is getting a little chilly.

While you may be aware of some of these tips – especially if you live in an area prone to colder weather – spouses, babysitters or teachers may not. It is always a good idea to review cold weather safety tips with those caring for your child.  

Whatever winter activity you plan to do with the little ones, Ella's Wool is here to ensure everyone has fun and stays warm.

 Tips and tricks for how to tell if your little one is getting chilly.


Here's what to look for

Shivering and chattering teeth are obvious signs of being cold, but there are typically many earlier signs to look for.

If your kid is grumpy, whiny or even lethargic, check to see if they are cold.

Every child is different. Get to know your child’s own tell-tale signs, like hiccups (the first clear sign that Ella was cold or wet when she was a baby) or sulking.

  • Feel their upper back and neck. If it’s clammy and warm, your child might be too hot.
  • Feel your kid’s chest or belly. If it is cold, add a warm layer or take a break.
  • Regularly check for wet clothing, and replace if necessary.

Pay particular attention to the changing color of your kids' skin.

  • If their cheeks, nose or ears are bright pink or very pale, have your kid put on a wool hat.
  • If their hands and feet are pink and cold to the touch, put on some warm mittens and/or wool socks.
  • Bluish lips and white spots on the skin are a sure sign that you should get inside and get some warmth immediately!

TIP! Active kids may go from being warm (and sweaty) to very cold in minutes. Use a breathable merino base layer to regulate temperature.

Note that even children with good communication skills may not tell you if they’re cold. That’s because …

  • They may not realize being cold is the source of their discomfort.
  • They may be too distracted by play to realize how cold they are.
  • They may not want to admit to being cold, so as not to have to stop playing, go inside, or put on another layer.