3 reasons to buy wool clothes for your kid!

3 reasons to buy wool clothes for your kid!

All the reasons to love Wool

Lately, I have been thinking about why I love wool so much. Obviously, there are all the benefits like keeping you warm, being soft, easy to care for, makes your baby sleep better and so on. But it’s more. It is so organic, so natural, so clean. It just feels so right!

We started to domesticate sheep more than 10 000 years ago. It’s in our instincts to collect what nature gives us and use it for something useful, like dressing our kids. One sheep can be harvested for its fleece a number of years, and its fibers are hundred percent natural. Not made in laboratories or factories, like so many other textiles. Wool, especially the super soft merino which is so good on our kid’s skin, actually has a lot of benefits they have a hard time recreating

Easy ways to help you save 

Not all clothes are good for our skin, and then I am not just talking about old fashion itchy wool. So many textiles are full of harmful dyes, chemicals, and toxins, that can not only be bad for our skin but also our planet. The textile industry is behind a huge part of the world’s polluted waters and rivers, and it’s all fueled by our crazy mass consuming. We want new clothes constantly and we want it cheap. Unfortunately, it comes with a really high price that ultimately our kids will have to pay.

One: Buy Less

When you buy, be sure to buy quality clothes that will last. Look for shops that have made conscious choices, and sell eco-friendly, organic and fair trade. All the clothes at Ella's wool are tried and tested and can be bought with a good conscience.

Two: Buy second hand

Buy second hand. If you buy from charity shops you help both the planet and other people in need. Look for clothes like coats, blazers, and suits in wool. With a good dry clean and maybe a small alteration, they can look just like new. Unique to you and at a fraction of the price. 

Three: Don't be afraid to fill your washing machine

Wash your clothes only when dirty and when you do, fill up the washing machine. You'll save electricity, water, and soap, and your clothes will last longer. Good for our planet and even your wallet! Remember that wool's self-cleaning abilities reduce the need to wash the clothes more than necessary.

We want only the best for our kids and you should too, take a peek at our wool.